Sunday, September 28, 2008

Pantomina Lyrics And Music

Pantomina is Spanish for pantomime, movements imitating the courtship movements of the rooster and the hen.

Ang mga babaye
Kung mayo pa nin agom
Maugay nin aga maugay nin hapon
Alagad kung sinda igua na nin agom
Maugay Octobre, Disyembreng sunudon.

Ica palan, Nenang ang pinagsasabi
Magayon na burac sa lugar na ini
Magayon ang tindog malinig ang pisngi
Arin pa daw ang puso ang dai mawili.

Can ica sadit pa sadit pa man aco
Si satuyang cawat magkudot-kudotan
Kinudot mo aco kinudot ta ca man
Sabi mo sa saco luhayluhaya man.

Ang mga lalake
Hudyan sisaboot
Ang pinagsasabing ngarang pagcamoot
Kundi ang babayeng iyo minahilod
Akong minahiling can mga pangguyod.


Responsible Mining: Easier Said Than Done

While others advocates for a responsible mining in Catanduanes, let us not forget the lesson of this south Pacific island nation, once boasted the second-highest per capita GDP in the world thanks to its fabled phosphate mines, Nauru is today destitute...Read More

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Is There An English Equivalent Word For Pantomina?

I often heard this word from party hosts whenever there is a small or even in big bicol gatherings, pantomine referring to pantomina in the bicol dialect. So I checked my online dictionary and the nearest word was pantomime, which means, communication by means of gesture and facial expression.

Pantomina - meaning Dance of the Doves, this dance is the highlight of Sorsogon’s Kasanggayahan Festival every third week of October. Groups of participants, mainly elderly in colorful costumes, dance to the tune of Pantomina song. It is a courtship dance originated from imitating the courtship and lovemaking of doves that then showed during the dance where men attempt to please the women.

Pantomina is synonymous to bicol gatherings and balls, yet no one had thought if pantomine is really the exact english equivalent word.


Friday, September 19, 2008

Power Load Characteristics

Here are some interesting facts regarding power load characteristics in our province.
  • 21,872 MW-Hr sold in 2004.
  • The peak load registered was 6.5 MW and the base load was 3.2 MW in 2004.
  • 68% residential in nature. With 75 % of all households connected to the system.
  • Commercial establishments constitute 18%.
  • Government buildings comprise the single biggest customer of FICELCO. It represents 12% of the total consumption.
  • Street lighting constitutes 2%.
  • There are no industrial customers exist in the island.
  • In 2005, the trend in consumption shifts more to the commercial load because of mobile telecommunication networks in the island.
  • No demand exist yet for irrigation considering 70 % of the people depends on agriculture.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

What is Lentigo maligna melanoma

Lentigo Maligna Melanoma

Gender: equally common in males and females.

Age incidence: usually in older people.

Anatomic location: affecting the face, neck or dorsal arms (sun-exposed).

Color: uniform, but red and white discoloration may occur later.

Appearance: flat and irregularly outlined, lesions tend to look mottled or washed out and often contain areas of normal pigmentation.

What is the significance of nodularity and ulceration in Lentigo maligna melanoma? indicate local invasion.

What explains the complex pattern of Lentigo maligna melanoma? they develop over years or decades, these years of migration and regression can produce lesions with a shape more varied and bizarre than that of Superficial Spreading Melanoma.

What is Lentigo maligna? represents in situ or intraepidermal melanoma.

What is the natural history of Lentigo maligna? progression to invasive lentigo maligna melanoma occurs in 5% of patients.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Five Strongest Tropical Cyclones in the Philippines (1947-2006)

  1. REMING Durian (Nov 26-Dec 1, 2006) 320 kph Virac, Catanduanes
  2. SENING Joan (Oct 11-15, 1970) 275 kph Virac, Catanduanes
  3. ROSING Angela (Oct 30-Nov 4, 1995) 260 kph Virac, Catanduanes
  4. ANDING Irma (Nov 21-27, 1981) 260 kph Daet, Camarines Norte
  5. LOLENG Babs (Oct 15-24, 1998) 250 kph Virac, Catanduanes

Source: (accessed July 21,2008)RELATED LINKS:

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What is Acral lentiginous melanoma

Acral lentiginous melanoma

Prevalence: accounts for 7% of all melanomas.

Anatomic sites: occurs primarily on the hands and feet, including about the nails, also occur on the modified skin around the mouth, anus and genitalia.

Course: develops and evolves over years.

Gender: more common in males than females.

Age incidence: usually in older people.

Ethnic groups: the most common form of melanoma in the skin of Asian and Black people, accounting for more than half of melanomas in these groups. It is the least common form of melanoma in Caucasian people.

Appearance: flat slowly expanding pigmented macule with a fairly uniform, mottled color.

What is Hutchinson's sign? sudden appearance of a pigmented band originating at the proximal nail fold or pigmentation in the proximal or distal nail fold.

Significance of Hutchinson's sign: suggestive of acral-lentiginous melanoma.

Kaloula Kokacii

Many of us probably have not heard of this species called Kaloula Kokacci or Catanduanes Narrow-Mouthed Frog. This can only be found on our island and some parts of bicol.
"This species is found on Catanduanes Island and on several mountains of the Bicol Peninsula, in the Philippines, from 200-300m asl.
Catanduanes Narrow Mouthed FrogIt inhabits lower altitude mountain and lowland forests, where it is found in forest, along forest edges, and in secondary growth vegetation. This is a highly adaptable species that also occurs in modified habitats beside these forests. It lives and presumably breeds in water-filled tree-holes and hollows".

The main threat to this species is continued destruction of lowland rainforest for agricultural development and human settlements. However, this species is adaptable and is probably not significantly threatened.
It was classified by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species as Near Threatened in 2007.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Skin moles

Skin moles appear during the first few years of life. Most people have 20-30; some have many more. The common skin mole should be uniformly pigmented, with a regular margin. A halo of pale skin around a skin mole may be seen in adolescence. Occasionally congenital skin moles are large (greater than 1 cm), multiple or confluent (bathing trunk pattern). These lesions carry a risk of malignant transformation. Skin Moles deeper in the dermis appear blue in color. Skin Moles tend to regress in old age. If skin moles change in size, become irregular in shape or pigmentation, itch or bleed they should be regarded as unstable and potentially malignant. Sunburn can irritate and activate skin moles. During pregnancy, skin moles tend to increase in size and darken. Malignant melanomas can arise de novo or from pre-existing skin moles. The incidence of this malignant tumor is increasing, especially in fair-skinned people with high sun-exposure.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Atypical Skin Moles Features

Atypical Skin Moles do not follow an evolutionary pattern of either persistence with stability or differentiation in the direction of ultimate regression, as seen in Common Acquired Melanocytic Skin Moles. Rather, Atypical Skin Moles demonstrate a persistent and disordered growth, evident both clinically and microscopically. The clinical recognition of Atypical Skin Moles focuses on several characteristics that help distinguish them from Common Acquired Melanocytic Skin Moles: shape, border, color, diameter, and surface features. Many of these features may also be seen in melanoma, although often to a greater degree.
1 Shape: The shape may be round or oval, like the common acquired Skin Mole, although asymmetric notching and/or outgrowth of pseudopodia are usually observed in lesions over 3 to 4 mm in diameter.
2 Border: The boundary may be irregular with slightly indiscrete to frankly hazy or fuzzy areas, with traces of pink or brownish pigment spilling into surrounding normal skin.
3 Color: The coloration of Atypical Skin Moles is often variegated, with irregular speckling with tan/brown colors and sometimes including foci of tan/brown/dark brown hues or black pigment. redness may be seen as a component of Atypical Skin Moles but is not normally seen in Common Acquired Melanocytic Skin Moles. This is manifest as a pink background color, the intensity of which may vary from trace to slight to moderate. Sometimes only a focal area of pink or a subtle pink hue at the periphery may be seen. The redness does not blanch readily; the degree of redness varies considerably from lesion to lesion and from patient to patient.
4 Diameter: Atypical Skin Moles are most easily recognized when larger than 5mmin diameter. The Clark group’s initial description of Atypical Skin Moles in BK mole syndrome patients had emphasized that they were frequently 5 to 10 mm or larger, and that size was an important clue in identifying Atypical Skin Moles. Large size, however, is not a prerequisite for the diagnosis of Atypical Skin Moles.
5 Surface features: The surface features within any given Atypical Skin Mole may include macular and papular components. A minimal elevation to tangential lighting is noted in most of them. The skin surface markings may be suggestive of early lichen simplex chronicus, showing subtle elevation and coarsening. Scale is only infrequently noted. Erosion is not seen in the non traumatized Atypical Skin Mole.
The clinical presentation of patients with Atypical Skin Moles seems as varied as the morphology of individual Atypical Skin Moles. The classical type D2 phenotype may be first evident with numerous distinctly large, irregular, variegate Skin Moles, mostly concentrated on the trunk and less numerous on the head, neck, and lower extremities. More commonly, however, Atypical Skin Moles are not strikingly large. Fromseveral to a dozen Atypical Skin Molesmay bemixed among several to several dozen Common Acquired Melanocytic Skin Moles. In patients with a solitary Atypical Skin Mole, it may be located anywhere.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Economics of Mine Development Somewhat Risky

There has been efforts to exploit our coal deposits in view of the constantly increasing price of oil in the world market. And our coal deposit was identified by DOE and was contracted to a private investor. Perhaps we should take a second look at the conclusion of this 1980 World Bank study:... Read more

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Reasons for Carbon Project Development

Carbon projects are developed for reasons of voluntary environmental stewardship, as well as legal compliance under a Greenhouse Gas Cap & Trade program. Voluntary carbon (GHG) reducers may wish to monetize reductions in their carbon footprint by trading the reductions in exchange for monetary compensation.

The transfer of environmental stewardship rights would then allow another entity to make an environmental stewardship claim. There are several developing voluntary reduction standards that projects can use as guides for development.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Mother Mary!

The feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated each year on the eighth of September. Usually it is the custom of the church to celebrate the feast day of a saint on the date of their death as this is truly their "die natalis", the day remembered as their birth into everlasting happiness.

Mary, however, entered this world sinless through the privilege of the Immaculate Conception and is the firstborn of the redeemed. Her nativity is a cause for great joy as it is considered the" dawn of our salvation" as Pope Paul VI wrote in the document, Marialis Cultus in 1972.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Why So Much Interest To Build RE Power Plants?

Many of us are apparently surprised why there are a number of micro hydro power plant projects, plan to develop a wind park and tidal power in Catanduanes. Why the sudden interest of investors in power generation on the island?

Obviously, they are banking on the future of carbon credits in the international trading.
Carbon credits are a key component of national and international emissions trading schemes that have been implemented to mitigate global warming. They provide a way to reduce greenhouse effect emissions on an industrial scale by capping total annual emissions and letting the market assign a monetary value to any shortfall through trading. Credits can be exchanged between businesses or bought and sold in international markets at the prevailing market price. Credits can be used to finance carbon reduction schemes between trading partners and around the world.

There are also many companies that sell carbon credits to commercial and individual customers who are interested in lowering their carbon footprint on a voluntary basis. These carbon off setters purchase the credits from an investment fund or a carbon development company that has aggregated the credits from individual projects. The quality of the credits is based in part on the validation process and sophistication of the fund or development company that acted as the sponsor to the carbon project. This is reflected in their price; voluntary units typically have less value than the units sold through the rigorously-validated Clean Development Mechanism.
If you were an investor, would you sink-in nearly a billion peso CAPEX in Catanduanes without any assurance or guarantee provided by the provincial government on the future of your investment?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Development of Tidal Power Plant

Whenever I go to my cousin's prawn farm, I never failed to take a close look at the sluice gates everytime it is opened to release the stocked seawater inside the pond to either harvest prawns or to simply purge. At one time, I joked to him that he don't need a genset to energize his farm, but only sheer creativity.

What I was referring to my cousin at that time was, what technical people called, tidal/wave power. And surprisingly, there is an initiative from a fellow Catandunganon, coming from an academic organization who wants to develop a Tidal Power Plant.
"Tidal power, sometimes called tidal energy, is a form of hydropower that converts the energy of tides into electricity or other useful forms of power.

Although not yet widely used, tidal power has potential for future electricity generation. Tides are more predictable than wind energy and solar power. Historically, tide mills have been used, both in Europe and on the Atlantic coast of the USA. The earliest occurrences date from the Middle Ages, or even from Roman times."
His proposed project and profile can be viewed at the 2008/09 Mondialogo Engineering Award website.


Atypical Skin Moles

The atypical skin mole is a special kind of skin moles, with clinical and histologic features suggestive of an intermediate form between the common acquired skin mole and melanoma. atypical skin moles are important markers for both familial and nonfamilial melanoma. As many as 50% of patients with “sporadic” melanoma have been observed to have atypical skin moles.
The incidence of atypical skin moles in the general population has been estimated to be 1.8% to 10% and possibly as high as 19%. The presence of atypical skin moles has been established as an independent risk factor for melanoma, along with several other cutaneous traits, including red or blonde hair, solar lentigines, skin type 1 or 2, and increased numbers of common acquired skin moles. A clinical study has found the adjusted relative risk of melanoma to be 2 for a single atypical skin mole and 12 for 10 or more atypical skin moles. Another found a relative risk of 1.6 when one to four atypical skin moles were counted and 6.1 for five or more atypical skin moles. The risk ofmelanoma attributable to atypical skin moles may
be further exacerbated by the coexistence of other melanoma risk factors, such as skin type 1 or 2. The increased risk for melanoma is particularly true in the setting of the atypical skin mole syndrome (Dysplastic Nevus Syndrome). Dysplastic Nevus Syndrome encompasses individuals with multiple atypical skin moles arising sporadically or in a setting of a family history of atypical skin moles or melanoma. Dysplastic Nevus Syndrome has been divided into a number of forms. Type A is sporadic dysplastic skin mole without melanoma; type B is familial atypical skin mole without melanoma; type C is sporadic atypical skin mole with a personal history of melanoma; type D-l is familial atypical skin mole with one family member with melanoma; and type D-2 is familial atypical skin mole with two or more family members with melanoma. Meticulous screening of family members may demonstrate that presumptive cases of sporadic Dysplastic Nevus Syndrome are actually familial.
All patients with Dysplastic Nevus Syndrome have an increased risk for developing melanoma, although the magnitude of the risk varies among the Dysplastic Nevus Syndrome types. The relative risk of melanoma is least in patients with Dysplastic Nevus Syndrome types A and B, and has been estimated to be 7 with a cumulative lifetime risk of 6%. The relative risk of melanoma in type D-2 patients may be as high as 1000 or greater compared with the general population. Individuals with Dysplastic Nevus Syndrome also appear to be at an increased risk for multiple primary cutaneous melanomas.One study found a 35.5% cumulative 10-year risk of developing a secondmelanoma in those with Dysplastic Nevus Syndrome and a history of melanoma as compared with a 17% 10-year risk of developing a second melanoma in those with a history of melanoma butwithoutDysplastic Nevus Syndrome . Patients with Dysplastic Nevus Syndrome may also be at increased risk of conjunctival and intraocular melanoma. The recognition of Dysplastic Nevus Syndrome may allow early detection of melanoma and identi?cation of those at risk and provide the opportunity for the initiation of preventive measures.
A great deal of discussion has centered on the validity of the atypical skin mole as a distinct entity and its potential for progression to melanoma. Much disagreement over its nature stems from a lack of uniform clinical and histologic criteria to define it. In fact, even the term atypical skin mole has contributed to the controversy. Strictly speaking, the term atypical is a histologic one. The purist may object to the clinical description of a melanocytic skin mole as “atypical-looking". atypical skin moles generally demonstrate both clinical and histologic evidence of distorted and disordered architecture. A
statement by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Consensus Conference in 1992 sought to eliminate the variability in nomenclature and recommended that the term dysplastic nevus be replaced with atypical mole and the histologic diagnosis be termed nevi with architectural disorder along with a description of the degree of melanocytic atypia. A 2004 survey revealed that the term dysplastic nevus remains commonplace.
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