Tuesday, August 16, 2011

New toy in the house: Arduino ADK

Yay! I have got a new toy in the house to play with – Just bought Arduino ADK board. Ever since Google announced Android ADK at Google I/O 2011, I have been trying to get hold of one. I couldn’t get it till now because of my geographical location and the demand for the board. Finally, I have ordered it from SimpleLabs, Chennai and received the package yesterday. I will be playing around with it in the next couple of weeks and share my experience in this blog.

What is Android ADK?

Android 3.1 introduces powerful new APIs which allows external USB hardware to interact with an Android device. The APIs are based on a USB stack and services that are built into the platform, including support for both USB host and device interactions. Using the APIs, we can create applications that are able to discover, communicate with, and manage a variety of device types connected over USB. More info here.

Arduino ADK

Arduino ADK

Quick Starter Kit

Arduino ADK

Arduino ADK

Arduino ADK

Arduino ADK

Arduino ADK

The Arduino ADK is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560 (datasheet). It has a USB host interface to connect with Android based phones, based on the MAX3421e IC. It has 54 digital input/output pins (of which 14 can be used as PWM outputs), 16 analog inputs, 4 UARTs (hardware serial ports), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. Source: Arduino.cc

-- Varun

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

HTML5: Page Visibility API

Today I stumbled upon an interesting API being introduced in HTML5 – Page Visibility API. As the name suggests, the API facilitates the developers to programmatically determine the current visibility of the page. User interface designers can take advantage of this API, which is still in Working Draft, to give better experience to the visitors. This will also help in better resource utilization. For example, if your page has an animation, you can efficiently render it only when the page is visible without having to hog the resources. The specification introduces a new interface named “DocumentVisibility” that provides Web applications with the means to programmatically determine the current visibility of a page and be notified of visibility changes. Check out the demo here.

The specification includes three main parts:

  1. Attribute document.hidden: This is a Boolean attribute of DocumentVisibility interface indicating if the page is hidden from view. It will return ‘false’ even if part of the page is visible. There are vendor specific implementations for this. It is implemented as document.msHidden in IE and document.webkitHidden in Chrome.
  2. Attribute document.visibilityState: This is an attribute of DocumentVisibility interface indicating the state of the page. The specification includes three different states: “hidden”, “visible”, “preview” – The page is not visible but a preview of it is visible. Again, its open to vendors to define their own states. Its implemented as document.msVisibilityState in IE and document.webkitVisibilityState in Chrome. The major deference, however, is that document.msVisibilityState is a numeric value where as document.webkitVisibilityState is a string value. Hence, its better to stick to document.hidden till the API matures.
  3. Event visibilitychange: The visibilitychange event will be fired whenever a change is made to the document.visibilityState attribute. We can listen to this event on document and as mentioned in point#2, its advisable to use document.hidden to find out the new state within the listener. Here, again, you will have to listen to vendor specific events.


I have setup this demo page to explore the Page Visibility API. It runs a timer to show clock on the page. The timer will be disabled whenever we move away from the page and will be re-activated as we enter the page with the adjusted clock timing. Smart developers always view the source. View the page source to know more.

Browser Support:

  • Internet Explorer (10+)
  • Chrome (12+)

Page Visibility API will be really useful if vendors follow the specifications completely and move away from the vendor prefixes. More info about Page Visibility can be found here.

-- Varun

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