Friday, August 29, 2014

JavaScript 'strict' mode and OOP template

"JavaScript is not a complete programming language. It gives so many chances for us to make errors. The code is not very structured. It is very difficult to follow the control flow." This is a common statement one could hear from back-end developers starting to do client side development. While I agree to that statement to some extent. I still believe that JavaScript is a very nice dynamic language with its own good parts. It is a language which has got a larger role to play in the future of the web. It might take sometime for the beginners to get used to some of the core concepts like prototype, closures, etc. But, once mastered, the language will help you to get your things done quickly (especially on the web). 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

Cross posting an article written by me last year for a technical magazine but was not published.
Web is growing fast with lots of new services being added everyday. Advancements in technologies like HTML5, JS, and CSS3 make the web so powerful that we can almost do everything on the web today. With the increase in the number of services, the need for cross referencing the services also increases. A web application providing photo editing service may want to use the service of photo sharing sites like Instagram or Flickr. Almost all the service providers expose APIs for others to consume their services. While consuming the service from a web application back-end is easier, it is not so easy using the client side technologies. Browsers impose lots of restrictions in accessing resources originating from domains other than the current domain. 

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