Wishing you and your family a very happy and prosperous new year 2011. :)
-- Varun
Smartphones are getting smarter day-by-day with cool new features. Still the best part of any Smartphone is its support for personalization. Android allows you to personalize almost anything and everything on your device. Boot screen animation is no exception. If you are bored with the default boot screen animation on your Android device, you can change it to the one you like. Here is a short tutorial to create new animations or use your favorite video as a boot screen animation. Android boot animation is stored as a zip file (uncompressed) containing the sequence of images used for the animation and a text file containing the meta-information.
Steps to create boot screen animation
-- Varun
[via @xda-developers]
Google has launched Instant Previews few days ago – a feature which adds screenshot preview of the page along with the search results. The feature does not seem to add much of value addition to search results (as they claim). Nevertheless, the implementation of the feature is rich enough to add huge value for a web developer. Google has employed some neat techniques to ensure that the performance of the search remains the same with this new feature. If you are a web developer or a person interested in learning cool things, you can continue reading rest of the post. And, if you are frustrated with the previews, you can use this script to turn off the feature.
Techniques involved in Google Instant Previews
JavaScript Compilation. Like any other Google products, Google search also uses a lot of JavaScript. JavaScript is minified and crunched using Google’s Closure Compiler. The JavaScript on the results page is loaded lazily so that it does not interfere with the page load. Also, JavaScript is cached very aggressively on the client-side.
On-demand JSONP. The result previews are loaded only on-demand whenever the user activates it. The browser needs to make asynchronous call to Google servers to get the previews and render it on the screen. Modern browsers have a restriction on the number of concurrent requests the page can send to any host. To overcome this, Google uses a separate domain for hosting the result previews. (Ex: client1.google.com, client2.google.com). Data can be loaded in different ways using JavaScript:
Data URIs. The previews shown are not just plain images streamed from the Google server. The data received from the JSONP calls is actually the image data being sent as set of data URIs. (I have used the same technique in VComment – Visual Comment Engine). Data URIs are base64 encodings of image data, that modern browsers can use to display images, instead of loading them from a server as usual. If you have noticed the previews closely, a bounding box will be added to the preview. The usage of data URIs over static images has made this highlighting easier. Data URIs are gzip-compressed to make them comparable in size to the original JPEGs. Data URIs are also aggressively cached on the client-side.
More information about these techniques can be found here.
Note: This post was originally written in the last week of November 2010. Just realized that it was sitting on my drafts itself. Well, better late than never.
-- Varun
Most of you would have been already aware of the fact that Google has launched its Chrome web store recently. If you are using the latest versions of Chrome, you can install apps on your Chrome from the web store. Once the app is installed, you can launch it from the popular “New Tab” page of Chrome. A new section titled “Apps” has been added to the “New Tab” page. This section will show the icons of all the installed apps as Thumbnails. Clicking on the app icon will launch the app. If you have a big list of apps installed on your Chrome, it will become difficult to search for the app and launch it from here. To make it simple, Google has built an extension “App Launcher” which will act as a Windows Start Menu for Chrome.
App Launcher for Chrome
App Launcher for Chrome is an extension built by Google for launching the apps installed on Chrome. Install the extension from here. The extension will add a browser action icon clicking on the same will show a list of installed apps. From there, you can launch an app by either clicking on it in the list, or using arrow keys to select it and then pressing enter. The search box on top of the list is quite handy. (However, you have to use only lower cases while searching. Looks like a bug). With this extension, you can launch an app from any page without having to open the “New Tab” page.
-- Varun
[via @labnol]
Earlier I have posted an article titled “Intro to WebSockets” from the Chennai Geeks Techmeet-3. This is another topic discussed at the meet – Windows Phone 7 Internals. The talk was delivered by Balaji Damodaran from Thoughtworks. He gave an overview about the internals of Windows Phone 7 and some of the interesting facts about WP7. Note: This post is not properly structured. Posting the contents from the talk as it was delivered for the benefit of all.
Windows Phone 7 (WP7) Facts
Impressed with the features of Windows Phone 7? What are you waiting for? Download the SDK (its free) and start playing around with it. No support for Mac dev yet.
-- Varun
In the era of internet and social media, even the person running a small business is going behind Facebook to promote his / her business. You can create a Facebook page / application to promote your business on Facebook. To make your campaign a successful one on Facebook, you may want to know who is accessing the page and the effectiveness of your engagement, etc. Facebook has built an analytics tool called “Insights” and it is live for about six months now. Facebook Insights give an insight into some of the key performance indicators like Monthly fan size growth, The average number of likes and comments, Unlikes and attrition rate, Demographics, etc.
Facebook Insights
“Facebook Insights provides Facebook Page owners and Facebook Platform developers with metrics around their content. By understanding and analyzing trends within user growth and demographics, consumption of content, and creation of content, Page owners and Platform developers are better equipped to improve their business with Facebook.” – Facebook
Insights dashboard is the single source for all your Facebook analytics needs for:
Facebook has been continuously improving the dashboard with new metrics and making it easy for the admins to monitor. Apart from viewing the metrics on the Insights dashboard, you can also export the data as an excel sheet(xls) or Comma-separated file(csv). The accuracy of the count and external referrers for the page has been improved recently. Access Insights dashboard here. More information can be found here.
-- Varun
Last week I had the opportunity to meet up with some of the geeks from Chennai at the Chennai Geeks Techmeet-3. Chennai is really a happening place for technology-minded folks – Lots of tech meets, technology user groups, barcamps, etc. Having missed the first two editions of Techmeet, I desperately wanted to attend the third one. The third edition was organized at Thoughtworks on Dec 18, 2010. One of the topics for this edition was “Intro to WebSockets” by Gaurav Oberoi. He gave an overview about WebSockets, need for WebSockets and its limitations. In short, WebSockets is a HTML5 feature which lets you stream data to and from web browsers. Google Wave (now Apache Wave) uses WebSockets technology for its real-time communication layer. Attaching the slides from Gaurav’s talk on WebSockets.
-- Varun
If you are a smart phone user, you would have definitely tried any one of the “Voice Search” applications. Voice Search provides a method to search by speaking to your device. I use “Voice actions” on my Android quite extensively and it is very useful to me. Now, there is a Chrome extension to get the same functionality on Google Chrome browser as well. The extension is still under development and you can’t expect it to be 100% perfect.
Voice Search Chrome extension
-- Varun
Google is taking its battle with Wordpress to the next level with the introduction of mobile optimized blogs. Undoubtedly Wordpress is the supreme full-featured blogging platform when compared to Google’s Blogger but Blogger is closing that gap by adding lots of features this year. Some of the cool features introduced this year include static pages, real-time stats, dynamic template, spam filtering, etc. The latest addition to that pack is Mobile templates (Available only in Beta). Enabling this feature will offer a mobile optimized version of your blog.
How to enable mobile templates
How to setup a custom sub-domain
-- Varun
Google has recently announced the launch of its new Android Phone Nexus S along with the next version of Android which is 2.3 (code named as GingerBread). I had a quick look at the new and exciting features added in this version. There are lots of exciting things for a developer than for an end user. Not many user features have been added. Many features have been added under-the-hood to increase the performance on Android 2.3.
The first thing I want to tell you guys is that GingerBread is not the major UI refactoring (as we thought). May be the next version Android 3.0 (codenamed HoneyComb) will feature a fully revamped UI. However, there are UI refinements for simplicity and speed in GingerBread. Google’s new phone Nexus S will be the first device to get GingerBread and it will be on sales from Dec 16 in the U.S. Nexus One owners will eventually get OTA update in the next few weeks.
Apart from the above mentioned improvements, there are improvements to the platform itself. Linux Kernel has been upgraded to 2.6.35. Dalvik VM has been upgraded to support concurrent garbage collection, JIT optimizations, etc. Some of the core libraries have also been upgraded to enhance the performance. Read the complete platform highlights here.
Android 2.3 GingerBread running on an emulator
New icons and notification bar in GingerBread
Android Keyboard on GingerBread and One-touch Copy/Paste
Download Manager
Flat buttons on GingerBread
-- Varun
We know this has been coming and Google eBooks Store is finally here. The store which is currently available only in the U.S. hosts over 3 million Google eBooks. The best thing about Google eBooks is that its open and supports many devices. You can read it on the web, or your tablet, or your smartphone. Native apps for Android and Apple devices are also available. Font, font size, day/night reading mode and line spacing are all configurable. You can discover and buy the new eBooks from Google eBooks Store or from any of the partners.
Google eBooks for Android
The free application is already available in the market. If you are not finding the application in the market, you can get the .apk from here. I tried out the app and the interface is pretty neat. I have not used Kindle or any other book readers but the usability of the Google eBooks is just awesome. Google is definitely getting better on its mobile user interfaces.
-- Varun
Google has released an official app for Google Reader for Android phones. We have been waiting for this for years and it has finally arrived. The free app supports all the basic features like subscribing to a feed, sharing, liking, starring, friends, etc. Multiple accounts are also supported by the app. The app can be downloaded from the market.
I have been using NewsRob to read my Google Reader articles on mobile. I will continue to use that till Google adds support for offline reading.
-- Varun
Smartphones are getting smarter day-by-day with cool new features but the major concern with them is the privacy. From your smart phone, you might want to access your personal mail accounts, bank accounts. etc. Are they safe? Though Android supports different ways of screen locking security options (Pattern, Pin, Password), they work as a master key for the entire device. ES Security Manager is a free app which helps you to keep your private data and apps safe.
Steps to password protect your app
-- Varun
Earlier, I have reviewed two applications “USB Webcam” and “DroidCam Wireless Webcam” for turning your phone into a web cam. “IP Webcam” is another application which does almost the same but in a better way. The best thing about this app is its support for multiple view options. You can view the video feeds of your phone from a browser or stream it on your favorite media player.
Steps to setup IP Webcam
In short, IP Webcam is an excellent piece of work by the developer Pas. Really appreciate it. If you like this app, please rate the app from the Android market.
-- Varun
If you find a feature to be missing on your favorite site, you can request for the same from site admin / service provider. But, the process may take some time before you get the feature. GreaseMonkey is the way to go if you want to get it yourself quickly.
GreaseMonkey allows you to customize any website to your taste. It was originally written as a Firefox add-on by Aaron Boodman (@aboodman) (currently working with Google). Eventually, Chrome 4 added support for GreaseMonkey scripts. A GreaseMonkey (popularly known as GM or user scripts) script is a JavaScript which executes on top of the original site with few security restrictions. It is easy to get started with GM scripts with minimal JavaScript knowledge. To get started on GM, check out this community documentation “GreasePot”. There is also a community to share the user scripts written by users all across the globe. Check it out here. http://userscripts.org
Userscripts.org has thousands of scripts for different websites. So, before authoring a new script, check if the script exists already there. ‘GreaseFire’ is a tool to discover user scripts applicable for the current page. It is available as Firefox add-on and also as a Chrome extension. When ever you visit a site, GreaseFire will search the Userscripts.org directories and list down the users scripts which can be installed on that page. GreaseFire uses a ranking system to rank the scripts before listing them to you.
Google Reader is one of the most popular Atom and RSS feed aggregator service from Google. It allows you to share the articles you like with your friends (followers). You may want to link your Twitter account with Google Reader so that whenever you share something, the same will be shared on your Twitter stream as well. I wrote a script back in Jan 2009 to semi-automate the same. But, the script has stopped working as Twitter supports only OAuth authentication now. There are lots of third-party apps / plugins available to do the same. But, you will have to connect to those services with your Google / Twitter credentials. Here is a simple way to auto-tweet your Google Reader Shared Items without using any third party service.
Steps to Auto-Tweet your Google Reader Shared Items
1. Feed Discovery. Whenever you share items on Google Reader, you will have a Public atom feed associated with your account. To know your feed URL, go to “Your stuff” > “Shared Items”. “Your Shared Items” page will open up. Click on the “show details” link at the right top corner. Details will show the Feed URL associated with your shared items. Note: Make sure your items are public. Click on the “sharing settings” to change the settings of your shared items.
2. Burning your Feed. The next step is to burn your feed. You can use Google’s FeedBurner. Go to http://feedburner.google.com. Copy / Paste the Feed URL (from step#1) in the ‘Burn a feed right this instant’ text box. Click on ‘Next’. In the next screen, FeedBurner will ask you to provide the feed title and an address for the feed. After providing the details, click on ‘Next’. FeedBurner will burn the feed for you. It will show a screen to setup FeedBurner stats. You can do it later. Click on ‘Skip directly to feed management’.
3. Linking with your Twitter Account. The last step is to link your Twitter to the feed which is just burnt. Go to the ‘Publicize’ tab and select ‘Socialize’ option from the sidebar. Click on ‘Add a Twitter account’ button. This will open the Twitter page asking you to sign in to Twitter if you have not signed in already. Then, it will ask you to authorize access to your Twitter account for Google. Allow access to Google. After adding the Twitter account, you can configure few settings like formatting options, item count, items filtering, etc. After choosing the desired setting, click on ‘Activate’ to activate the service. That’s all. FeedBurner will periodically check for new feeds from Google Reader shared items and post them on Twitter stream automatically. Note: Your twitter account is linked directly with the Google account without having to use any third-party service.
This is what I would recommend – Read it on Reader, Share it on Twitter. Enjoying reading and happy sharing.
-- Varun