Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy birthday Blogger!

One of the best blogging platforms available till date, Blogger, turned 11 this month. I have been using blogger even before it was acquired by Google. It is a very good blogging platform even for a person with less technical knowledge. To celebrate its birthday, Google has arranged for the first ever Blogger global birthday party (BloggerFiesta).

 Hyderabad Bloggers meet

The Hyderabad bloggers meet (BloggerFiesta) was organized by the city based six-digit blogger Amit BhawaniBloggerFiesta at Ohris Jiva. The number of entries for the same had been restricted to 50. Around 40 bloggers turned up for the event which started around 7 PM. The event started with a quick round of introduction from the bloggers present there. There were people from different background and it was nice catching up with the fellow bloggers and their interests. After that people started networking with each other while enjoying their food. Chetan Bhawani (Amit’s brother) and his friends organized an open quiz for the participants and goodies were given to the winners. The quiz was interesting and I participated actively answering many questions. Won a gift voucher and a T-shirt too. :) Though I have met Amit on few other occasions before, just happened to talk to him personally today.

Few valuable tips about blogging were given to the participants as a hand-out. Though Amit was actively answering the questions asked to him, it could have been better had he given a talk on blogging instead of just the hand-out. Also, the choice of place could have been better. Overall it was a good experience catching up with few interesting people from Hyderabad.

Thanks to Amit and his team for organizing the bloggers meet.

-- Varun

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