This post is a summary of the talks from Day-2 of JSFoo. Check out Day-1 talks here. The second day of JSFoo started with the most awaited talk of the conference. It was the talk by Christian Heilmann (@codepo8) of Mozilla. He gave a keynote address on the topic "HTML5 for the masses - Making the Future the Now" and impressed the crowd who have gathered there early on a Saturday morning.
HTML5 for the masses - Making the Future the Now
Speaker: Christian Heilmann (@codepo8)
In this keynote, Chris talked about the gotchas of HTML5 and some of its disappointments. Chris asked the developers not to write crappy JS libraries (or, even polyfills) to fix a browser problem. Rather raise the issue with the browser vendors and get it fixed on the browser itself. Participate in browser development. Be open to the nice people who want to do good. Thanks Chris for being an inspiration for all of us. Check out the Gamified AppMaker.
Interactive Physics simulation in JavaScript
Speaker: Nilesh Trivedi (@nileshtrivedi)
In this crisp talk, Nilesh talked about his experience in building a simulation engine purely in JavaScript. He compared different simulation methods available and some of the techniques involved in collision detection and response. This was an interesting session. It would have been better had he shown more code.
Potential gotchas in making a BackBone app
Speaker: Vignesh Nandha Kumar (@vikynandha)
Vignesh talked about some of the common problems one might encounter while working with a BackBone app. He also briefed about how Marionette solves some of these problems.
Gif Animations – Now with Sound!
Speaker: Hage Yaapa (@hacksparrow)
In this crisp talk, Hage talked about how he used the binary data processing in JavaScript to enable sounds on gif. The technique used here seems to be pretty straight-forward. I liked the way Hage presented the whole session. The source code of his library can be found here.
First Un-learn and then more to learn: Our experience building a complex web app entirely in AngularJS
In this session, Adhil and Praneet shared their experience in building a complex web app (Engagement HQ) entirely in AngularJS. They gave a glimpse of different features in the application and the AngularJS concepts used to build them. Having experimented with AngularJS for quite sometime, I found this session really interesting. Thanks guys for sharing your experience.
Distributed, offline-enabled Point-of-Sale system using Google Apps Script
Speaker: Kingsley Jegan Joseph (@kingsley2)
In this session, Kingsley talked about how he built a Point-of-Sale system from the scratch using Google Apps Script. Google Apps Script is a nice way of automating stuff around your Google account. Nice to see that people are using it for solving some real problems.
Memory profile your JavaScript applications for high performance
Speaker: Jaideep Singh
In this session, Jaideep talked about different scenarios in which there could be a possible memory leak. He also talked about the tools available to identify and fix some of these problems.
Flash Talks
One of the best part of the day was the flash talks session. It was amazing to see JS enthusiasts come forward and talk about their creations.
Node Robot – Robot powered by Raspberry Pi, Node, Arduino, Firebase and Phonegap
Speaker: Sreejesh Karunakaran (@sreekarun)
Sreejesh ended the JSFoo conference with his amazing robot using built a whole bunch of technologies – Raspberry Pi, Node.js, Arduino, Firebase and Phonegap. The robot can walk around, show emotions (emoticons) and can talk. The crowd had fun controlling the bot over twitter.
It was a good learning experience overall. Thanks to the folks at HasGeek and the whole community for making this happen.
-- Varun
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